Keywords: Wnt signalling, ageing process, cloning of complete and modified sequences, tissue modeling

The main research focus of the research group is the effect of Wnt signalling on the ageing process in the lung and thymus. Wnt signalling plays an important role not only in the initiation of physiological ageing processes, but also in the development of ageing-associated diseases such as tumours and inflammation.

The following services are available in relation to this research area:

Recombinant viruses, transgenic animals, cloning of complete and modified sequences, inducible vector generation, generation of complex tissue models - germ, lung, liver, etc.
Available infrastructure:

PCR (traditional, quantitative)
ELISA reader
LAS4000 laser protein analyser

Research Team
Öregedés kutatási csoport
Field of Science


Gergely Kincs

Innovation Manager
+3630/ 288-7039